Brilliant! That's amazing!


"Brilliant!", "Well done!",

lobt mich Mrs. Lee nach dem Vortrag zum Thema "Weltall/Erde". Great! Ich spreche meistens auswendig, mit sieben Keycards.  Zur Belohnung kriegen wir ein Marshmello, yummy! Speech:


Good morning Mrs. Lee and class. I will tell you facts about the Earth.

The orbit period is 365.24 days. The population is 8 billion. In the Solar System are the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.  The earth has people, animals and plants. The earth has 70 % of water. The earth has air to breath. The earth is made of rock. The earth is 4.6 billion years old. In 365 days the earth travels around the sun. In 24 hours the earth turns around itself.

That was my speech about the earth. Thank you for listening.

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