Mental Maths, No. 18:
In which season is September, October and November?
Ich schreibe: autumn (Herbst)
"Sorry, you've got the wrong answer", meint Mrs. Esterhuizen.
- SPRING (Fühling) is correct!
That's crazy: September, Oktober und November gehören zur Jahreszeit "Frühling"? Herbst ist falsch? Incredible South Africa!
In meiner Klasse schreiben wir "Revisions". In zwei Wochen beginnen die exams (Prüfungen). Mrs. Esterhuizen meint: "We have come to the end of your Grade 6 year. I have spoken to you about hard work, knowledge and most importantly your attitude towards the exam. We will do revision daily in class in all your subjects. Just study a little bit a day and you will be ready for the exam! Good luck!"
"I hope you know you're capable and brave and significant. Even when it feels like you're not."
Integrated Studies: Wir sprachen heute über Electricity. Definition: "The movement of electrons to a positiv cell changes potential, chemical energy into electrical energy." Es gibt 7 Types of energy: Kinetic, sound, light, heat, chemical, potantial und electrical energy.