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Heute lese ich :The wolf and the seven little kids.

Mother Goat said one day, "I must go out. Don't let anyone into the house." "No, we won't", sid the seven little kids and they shut the door tight. The big bad wolf saw Mother Goat leave the house. "Now is my chance," he said. "I will eat up the seven little kids."  He tapped on the door. Tap. Tap. Tap. "Who is that?" said the little kids. "This is your mother," said the big bad wolf. "Open the door and let me in." "You are not our mother," said the little kids. "Your voice is too gruff. Our mother's voice is soft and sweet. You are the big bad wolf. We won't let you in." So the big bad wolf went away...


Der Schluss ist etwas anders als zu Hause:


... Mother Goat went into the forest and found the wolf fast asleep under a tree. She butted him so hard that his tummy split open and out jumped her little kids, safe and sound. Up jumped the big bad wolf, but Mother Goat butted him so hard again that he flew through the air and he landet in the river. That was the end of the big bad wolf, and a good thing too!


Täglich trainieren wir "Mental Maths". Dabei lerne die "3-D-objects" kennen: sphere, cone, cylinder, cube, rectangular prism, triangular prism, pentagonal prism, hexagonal prism, octagonal prism. Auch das Wissen des icosahedron (20-Flächner), octahedron, pentahedron, tetrahedron, decahedron und hexagon gehört zum Allgemeinwissen. Beim Kopfrechnen sind auch Begriffe wie edges, parameters, faces (Flächen) wichtig.


Mir gefällt "IS" (Integrated  Studies): Wir sprechen über normal tides, spring tides und neap tides (no tide). Oder über die phases of the moon. Beim Test "Solar system" war mein Score 17/30. Da klatschten meine Mitschüler Beifall.

- Asteroids ar chunks of rock that trael around the sun.

- We find ateroids in the asteroid belt of the solar system.

- A moon is a solid rocky object that travels around a planet.

- Ehe Earth takes 3651/4 days to revolve around the sun.

- The inner planets are called the rocky planets.

- The outer planets are made out of gas.

- Write down two differences between moons and stars. (Stars shine, Moons are lighted up by stars. Stars don't have an orbit around a planet.)

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